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MULTIFOCAL LENSES | Tailored Prescription Glasses for Every Lifestyle

Would multifocals suit you and your lifestyle and vision needs? If you’re seeking clarity, read on to find out more.

Lenses for all-day use

They are called many things: Graduated lenses, multifocals, progressives, and varifocals— a prescription lens type designed to give the wearer clear vision through out all activities on a given day. For simplicity, we will use the term ‘multifocal.’

Clarify The Difference

The first thing to appreciate is that multifocals are not bifocals. A bifocal’s most recognisable feature is the distinct line on the lens design defining two separate prescription powers. These zones are often divided into a distance component at the top, and a smaller segment at the bottom which contains the reading portion of the lens.

On the other hand, a multifocal lens has a smooth surface with a changing curvature from top to bottom. A precisely calculated layout enables a multifocal lens design to shift from the distance prescription at the top to the reading prescription at the bottom. This shift is so precise that a ‘corridor of clarity’ is evident through the lens for all vision positions in-between.

Quite simply, multifocals are lenses that cater for multiple positions of focus and have a power change so gradual that we often like to call them graduated lenses.

Would multifocals suit your needs?

The value and purpose of multifocal lens designs can be summed up with one word: convenience. Multifocal lenses enable their wearer to keep a single pair of glasses on for all visual tasks through out the day rather than switching between long-distance and near sighted glasses.


* The power at the top of the lenses corrects distance vision needs.

* At the bottom, they provide the magnification required for close work.

* A smooth corridor of power changes from one point to another without missing anything in-between.

Using one pair of glasses enables you to tell the time on your watch, check the GPS on the car’s dashboard, and then look as far as the horizon. That’s what multifocals do. 

Multifocals made for your lifestyle

Does this sound like you?
Your daily tasks have you out on the road every day. Your work takes you out of doors, and you’re active from the moment you leave the house. You need distance vision glasses that provide broad peripheral vision zones, yet you need to see the dashboard, the GPS, and your watch. Not to mention the other incidental reading tasks you must accomplish throughout the day.

Or perhaps this best describes your needs?
There’s the short daily commute (perhaps you work from home), but the 8-10 hours of screen time takes it out of you. But that’s not all— after all the Zoom meetings—you love to wind down with a good book. Yes, you spend the bulk of your daily grind on concentrated tasks. Still, you can’t stand repeatedly taking spectacles on and off throughout the day.


All major health funds accepted.


Yes, multifocal lenses can be designed for your unique lifestyle and vision needs. That’s what makes them so Lifechangingly Super!

Don’t let standard glasses govern how much satisfaction you get from living life. Instead, click on the links below and explore the range of HT Lenses the Optical Superstore proudly stands by. And let us show you how we tailor a lens design to YOUR needs, using the latest in Freeform Digital Technologies.

Our lens design portfolio consists of several lens templates that can be tailored to your lifestyle needs and visual requirements. We list them briefly here, below.

* HT Panorama – For The Active Wearer
* HTDefined – The “Multitasking Read-aholic” Wearer
* HT Indoor Plus The Screen Time Master
* HT Ease The Eye Strain Anti-Fatigue Care Package

You are warmly welcome to visit any of our Optical Superstore retail outlets across Australia to discuss which specific multifocal lens design suits your unique needs.

Get in touch today–our national number will automatically connect you to your closest Optical Superstore location.


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