By ticking the following checkbox you are confirming that you can competently insert and remove contact lenses from your eyes. Proper contact lens care is essential for the health of your eyes and the condition of your lenses. If you develop any eye redness, pain, or persistent blurred vision, cease wearing any contact lenses and visit your optometrist immediately.
Private health insurance
A valid contact lens prescription is required if you require an itemised tax invoice for private health insurance claiming.
Contact lens prescription
Please upload a copy of your contact lens prescription for verification. *Note* Accepted file formats are: PDF, JPG, JPEG or PNG.
Exceptional Comfort in dry and challenging environments
Eyes are kept comfortable especially when working on a computer, in an air-conditioned office or air travel for long hours.
Helps eyes feel moist during contact lens wear
HYDRACLEAR Plus technology with extra wetting agents works with tears to keep eyes moist.