By ticking the following checkbox you are confirming that you can competently insert and remove contact lenses from your eyes. Proper contact lens care is essential for the health of your eyes and the condition of your lenses. If you develop any eye redness, pain, or persistent blurred vision, cease wearing any contact lenses and visit your optometrist immediately.
Private health insurance
A valid contact lens prescription is required if you require an itemised tax invoice for private health insurance claiming.
Contact lens prescription
Please upload a copy of your contact lens prescription for verification. *Note* Accepted file formats are: PDF, JPG, JPEG or PNG.
DAILIES AquaComfort Plus is the first ever lens to feature triple action moisture – three moisturising agents working in synergy to provide comfort throughout the day.
Lubricates – A cushioning lubricant that coats the lens for easy insertion and initial comfort Moisturises – A water loving moisturiser hydrates the lens, then releases moisture throughout the day Refreshes – A moisturising agent within the lens is released each time you blink, refreshing your eyes until the end of the day