Try Coloured Contact Lenses Today
Do you have a wedding or formal coming up and want to ditch the specs? Or maybe you’re looking for a full makeover and need that final piece to complete your transformation? Optical Superstore is here to help.
With improvements in contact lens material, ever-growing selections in colour and hue, and increased prescription lens options, there’s never been a better time to explore coloured contact lenses.
ENHANCE Your Appearance
We reinvent ourselves all the time; new haircuts, outfits, accessories. But have you considered that trying a different shade of lipstick can be the same as trying a different shade of eye colour?
Coloured contacts offer an easy and effective way to enhance your natural beauty, elevate your look, and have you feeling ready to take on the day.
It doesn’t have to be an obvious difference. Explore lens options best suited to the magnitude of change you desire, with two options below:
- Freshlook Colorblends
Looking for a subtle eye colour change that appears natural? Freshlook Colorblends offers a range of colour tone choices perfect for achieving a blended style that accentuates your natural eye colour. Have you ever wished your green eyes were just that little bit more green? Enhance your natural eye colour with Colorblends.
- Air Optix Colors
Dreaming of a bold statement which makes your eyes pop? Air Optix Colors offers a selection of colour contact lenses featuring vibrant and dramatic hues, creating a complete eye colour makeover! Gone are the days of imagining what you’d look like with a deep brown or bright blue eyes. With Air Optix Colors you can experience first-hand where your style flourishes and make the decision for yourself.
Whether bold or subtle, altering your eye colour with contact lenses can be a fun, innovative method of self expression.
Make Occasions Memorable
Weddings, formals, school photos, New Years parties… with a busy social calendar comes the need to dress up. And for prescription glasses wearers, an extra layer of uncertainty and tension sometimes surrounds these events.
It can be hard to feel glamorous in that fabulous outfit when you feel like you’re hiding behind your glasses frames. And it can be even harder to justify a new pair of prescription glasses to match your outfit just for the day.
The solution? Contact lenses.
DID YOU KNOW? Contact lenses come in a single-use, one-day wear option, meaning you can enjoy them for a specific event and be done, without ongoing costs.
With prescription contact lenses, there’s no obscuring the true star of the show: you. And with coloured contacts, the decision can be more than just practical.
Complement your outfit with eye-catching eye colours, adding an extra touch of style and allure to your ensemble. Coloured eye contact lenses are perfect for special events and occasions where you want to stand out and make a lasting impression while avoiding the nuisance of taking off your prescription eyewear for every single photo.
All major health funds accepted.
Interested in Trying Coloured Contact Lenses?
With a simple eye test, an optometrist can determine what size and, if necessary, prescription contact lens suits your eye best, as well as considering your aesthetic preferences. An initial consultation is often covered by Medicare as a bulk billed eye test.
Your eyes are delicate, so great care is taken when trying contact lenses for the first time. Once your trial lenses are available, two appointment sessions are arranged. First is a Teach & Fit consultation, where the optometrist guides you on how to safely insert and remove contacts.
The second is a review appointment, where the optometrist will ask you to wear your trial lenses for a few hours before arrival to check their fit and comfort. At this time, they can review any questions you may have and ensure your experience of contact lenses is a positive one.
Contact Lens Consultations
Follow-up consultations are not covered by Medicare. An affordable one-time fee covers the appointments, an amount which differs from optometrist to optometrist. Speak to out team at Optical Superstore for up-to-date information on contact lens consultation fees.
Payment for the contact lenses themselves is only made once yourself and the optometrist are satisfied with the comfort of the trial lenses and your competency in safely inserting/removing them. You will not be pressured into purchasing contact lenses if you decide the trials are not suitable, or you simply have no more desire to pursue them as an option.
Introducing coloured contact lenses into your prescription eyewear options is an exciting new form of self expression. Enhance your appearance on the daily, or step up the style for specific occasions: coloured contacts make eyewear a tool of reinvention.
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Schedule an appointment with an optometrist. Most eye tests are bulk billed.